Creator Burnout: How to Avoid It.

4 min readJul 5, 2024


Are you getting tired of taking photos or videos for brands, not feeling interested in promoting created content, do you also lack the energy to be productive?

These are signs that you're burnt out and fortunately, there are a couple of ways to avoid it which I will be sharing with you in this article.

Ways to avoid burnout

Set boundaries

Your energy is very important which is why you should be mindful of who you share it with.

"Your energy is currency, spend it well" - Joy Energy Time.

Having boundaries as a content creator is necessary; It filters out people who can not contribute positively to your work, you're more energetic, and have more time to work on projects.

A couple of boundaries you can set includes:

Value your Time

People who are employed in a company or organization already have pre-set working hours. As a content creator, you’re not bound to certain work hours, this can be both an advantage and disadvantage. How many times have you spent almost half the day procrastinating to start and finish work at whatever time you prefer? This is why it’s important to set a work time, this way you can start work, prioritize tasks and stop working according to the schedule you’ve set.

Say No

Are you always saying yes to everyone and every project that comes your way? This is the easiest way to get burnt out because you'll end up taking on both projects you like and the ones that don't like and do not contribute to your journey.
Learning to say no will save you from unnecessary stress that could lead to burnout.

Walk away

Sometimes the best way to avoid burnout is to walk away from new projects for an unsaid period of time(this is after you've finished all pending projects of course).

Time out from content creation gives you room to think and reflect on how far you've come, rest and also recharge.

During the time you spend away from creating content, you shouldn't be sending or checking work emails of anyone, it'll only defeat the purpose of space you've taken away from work.

Have free time

"Take rest. A field that has rested gives a bountiful crop" - Ovid. Quite similar to walking away, but for this method, all that's needed is for you to create rest time when creating your schedule.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

When you don't rest and keep working, you risk the chance of being sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation is a form of burnout that can lead to insomnia when not managed properly.

Ask for help

Most content creators believe that they have to work on their own without seeking help from others.

When you have issues with your projects, do not be afraid to reach out to some other content creators for help, it is important to do this because that way you can foster relationships in your community while improving your work and also render help to other content creators who may be in need.

Apart from fellow content creators, your family and friends can also be of service to you.

Quality over Quantity

When you're approached by clients for work Take time to scrutinize the employer, is this someone you can work with? Does this person seem they can stress you unnecessarily? Does the value of this employer/company/brand align with yours?

Scrutinize the project as well, is this project instrumental to your journey as a content creator? Is this a project you're comfortable working on?

Also check the contracts to be signed, are the terms sensible? Are you gaining from it or being cheated?

The reason why you need to check all these is to make sure that you're only accepting quality clients and projects.

When you deal with quality clients, your experience is a lot more enjoyable and you also grow in your space as opposed to taken on just any projects.

Keep a Journal

Challenges and shortcomings are bound to arise with your projects, feelings that do not have a connection with your projects may also spring up.

Writing on paper is a therapeutic way of avoiding burnout, journaling your thoughts and feelings as they come over time lets you understand certain patterns in behavior and can also guide you to knowing when it's time to take a break if you should keep working.

Change of environment

A change of environment is a factor that can improve your work as a content creator. There's this rush of ideas that comes with being in a new environment, I've experienced it a couple of times.

It can be as simple as taking a trip to a different state or country and enjoying the scenery, you shouldn't work all year long without a break.

When making schedules factor in trips and work towards it, this way you can avoid burnout and still maintain productivity at an optimal rate.


Although the content creation industry is a passion field industry, burnout is inevitable as it still involves using both physical and mental abilities. By following the tips above, you'll be able to avoid burnout more often and be more productive at work.

